Saturday 13 February 2016

What i want on this Valentine's Day?? 
Just stop snoring.

Who gives Damn for diamonds & red roses?
What do i really want ??
I just want him to give me  mental peace.
The greatest gift will be if miracle happens and he stop snoring.
or He can for once in year, answer the morning door bell for Dudhwala.(Milk man)
What will be the biggest surprise?? When i come from the Job and find that Refridge is full of groceries & veges.
The eureka moment will be he will be able to notice the things which are just in front of his eyes like the shocks.
He really start listening me , and just don't act like. so, i don't have to repeat every sentence five times.
Final Punch- Diamonds are girl's best friends before marriage ,
After marriage , Housemaids are. 

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