Sunday 31 January 2016

KISS principle

"It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" its said by  Antoine de Saint Exupéry. 
KISS is an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid" as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. 
It is idea of famous air craft engineer Kelly Johnson. It is also modified, "keep it short and simple"
The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design. 
The Disney's famous animators said that, when they were new, they made lot's of mistake. But one thing was commonest among all, THEY OVER DID IT. Their character was over moving , over done. The soft ware programmers also follows the same formula" YAGNI" you aren't gonna need it. 

Friday 8 January 2016

Live & Believe : કોલેજમાં 17-18 વર્ષનાં છોકરા છોકરી સાથે સવારમાં ન...

Live & Believe : કોલેજમાં 17-18 વર્ષનાં છોકરા છોકરી સાથે 
સવારમાં ન...
: કોલેજમાં 17-18 વર્ષનાં છોકરા છોકરી સાથે  સવારમાં નવ વાગ્યાનું લેકચર લેવા ક્લાસમાં ઘૂસીતો જાટકો લાગી ગયો. શિયાળાની સવારે ગલુડિયા ચોટીને...
This is pious word in both Jainism And Buddhism. Chinese , Sanskrit and Pali Language.
It means the most highest being.Arhat  reached the state of Nirvana and are free of worldly cravings.

The Eighteen Arhats are depicted in Mahayana Buddhism as the original followers of the Buddha who have followed the Eightfold Path and attained the Four Stages of Enlightenment. They have reached the state of Nirvana and are free of worldly cravings.
The four stages of enlightment

The four stages are 
A Stream-enterer (Sotapanna) is free from:
1. Identity view(me and mine)
2. Attachment to rites and rituals(following morals)
3. Doubt about the teachings(who believes in Dharma totally)
B. Once-returner (Sakadagami) has greatly attenuated:
4. Sensual desire
5. Ill will
C. Non-returner (Anāgāmi) is free from:
4. Sensual desire
5. Ill will
An Arahant is free from all of the five lower fetters or sin and the five higher fetters, which are:
6. Craving for fine material existence
7. Craving for existence on the level of formlessness
8. Conceit
9. Restlessness
10. Ignorance

Why we Gamble. The reason of all sin is Dopa mine. 

It's our brain who makes us Gamble. we are not at fault. Robert Sapolskyexplains it really well in his lectures. I'll try to paraphrase:
 Dopamine. It's a "feel good" chemical, that plays a vital role in our day-to-day activities. It's what naturally motivates us to do things and rewards for successes. Its Dopamine who makes you smoke, drink & get wasted. So the reason of all sin is Dopamine. 
Sapolsky did his studies on primates (our closest cousins.) He put a monkey in a cage, and after light comes on ("signal") we train it to press a lever ("work") after which it receives a juicy grape ("reward").

 What we think has happened. That reward makes dopamine release.
what actually happened is different, The work process makes dopamine release. In anticipation of award is much happier feeling than actual reward,

When you know prize is certain, than we don't get that much happy. We become more happy when prize is uncertain. The bigger graph is indicating more dopamine release on uncertain prize. So, uncertainty, luck, destiny is more exciting and thrilling. 

 So by introducing a chance or a luck in our reward system we make participants explode with excitement. And that's why we gamble.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

માસિક , મલ્ટીટાસ્કીંગ અને મધર બર્ન આઉટ સિન્ડ્રોમ . Spatial Capacity

આમતો સ્ત્રીઓ પુરુષો કરતા બુદ્ધિશાળી હોયજ !!!???... પણ મેડિકલ વિજ્ઞાન રોજ નવું શીખવે છે. સ્ત્રીઓ પુરુષો કરતા વધુ સારી spatial Capacity ધરાવે છે. મતલબ કે રૂમમાં કઈ વસ્તુ ક્યાં પડી છે , ચાવી , રૂમાલ ઈ સ્ત્રીઓને  પુરુષો કરતા વધુ યાદ રહે છે. એટલે તો બધી તારીખો યાદ રાખી તમને તંગ કરે. પણ માસિક સ્ત્રાવ વખતે આ Spatial Capacity પેહલા કરતા તેજ થઇ જાય. Spatial Capacity સારી હોવા ને કારણે સ્ત્રીઓ પુરુષો કરતા વધુ સારી મલ્ટીટાસ્કીંગ કરે છે. પણ આમાં તેઓ સખત ઘસાઈ જાય છે।  . જેને કહેવાય મધર બર્ન આઉટ સિન્ડ્રોમ  . આનાથી  બચો. આનાથી બચવાની વાત કાલ. 

Saturday 2 January 2016

Good news of 2016. My story being Published.

My happy moment. I got the mail from Editor of Efictioindia , they selected my story for publication. It came on just 1 January , 2016. Just like receiving new year gift for me. Or santa  has given the gift. Thank you God. The title of story is " One Word Husband." i can't tell more of it because i am under terms not to reveal the story. Because of course company wants people to purchase their magazine. It is very fortunate to being published in efiction India. 
2016-આશાની પિગી બેંક 

આંખના પલકારામાં 2015 નિકળી ગયું.
આંખો બંધ કરીને વિચારવા બેઠીતો સારા કરતા ખરાબ યાદો વધુ આવી.
આપણી આજ્તો પ્રોબ્લેમ છે. સારી યાદો ભૂલી જૈયે છે. પણ નબળી ક્ષણો , ઝઘડા , અપમાન ગળે બાંધીને ફરીએ છીએ.
આ વખતે રોજ રોજ નાની નાની સુન્દર વાતો લખી રાખવી છે દિવસ ના અંતે. કોઈએ કરેલી મદદ , ગમતી છોકરીએ આપેલું સ્મિત, મફતનું ખાવા મળેલ સમોસું , જબરદસ્તી વસુલ કરેલી પાર્ટી , કોઈએ સુંદરતા પર આપેલી કમેન્ટ. બધુજ. પછી 31 દેક, 2016 ના ખોલીને વાંચશું અને 2016 ને વિદાય આપશું હસતા હસતા.
Pig Of Good Hope.

Another new year resolution.
Why note???

when 2015 just vanished in blink of eye. 
I couldn't remember what good it has given Me?
Close your eyes and remember five good things that happened to you last year. Mostly we remember the bad memories. 
Why not we remember 2016 good memories. from today onwards i am going to write every good things & small fortunes in piece of paper & preserve. At the 31st dec, 2016 . I will read those again, and will welcome 2017 with new hope.