Sunday 13 December 2015


Greek said the beauty is Mathematics.
It is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so. — Frank O’Hara

The parameter of beauty is continuous changing, Nefertiti’s beauty is quite different than dipika padukon. First thin lips were considered beautiful. Than big juicy lips are considered beauty. People take painful injections for that. First at time of Madhubala heavy curvy bodies were considered beautiful. But now flat long slender body is desired. Now long legs are in demand. First snow white fair skin was in demand, now people tan their skin.So, parameters of beauty keep changing. But one parameter don’t change. The golden ratio. What is the golden ratio? The mysterious golden is mathematical number on which universe dots. But skip the boring part.
So, what is beauty when we say someone is beautiful, we are definitely talking about the face. So, beuty of face overweighs the beauty of of attractive body. Moths and butterflies, for example, recognize each other through smell – the olfactory sense. They are able to recognize or identify other moths by their scents . Dog also senses each other pheromones.
Dolphins recognize their species and individuals within their species through the sense of sound. Even elephants recognize sound. But we almighty humans can’t smell each other’s urine from miles away. So, now we recognize each other’s face. So , beauty is psychological phenomena or our reaction of recognizing other human.  What is beautiful , beautiful is symmetry & proportion. When yours left & right side is exactly similar you look beautiful. The symmetry & proportion is showing the healthy gene.

So, if you look our torso, the distance between our nose & eyes, nose to chin, nose to for head our teeth. All follows the mathematical no. 1.618. for more information look at

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