Sunday 6 December 2015

How to ditch your girlfriend for Guy's night out. 

It always happens that she has fixed the movie date before months. And suddenly your pal calls.

" Hey Bro! I have got the spare tickets of game. Its new New York Giants Vs Panthers , 
so are you in? 
" Of course dude ! I am totally in. But wait it's a thing with Melissa. 
I got to settle that one first."

So,the Question is how to minimize the damage!! (the damage she is gonna make to you.)
If you just simply inform her she is gonna make your life hell, she will use this incident every time to win argument that how much unworthy you are.
Ok!!! I have a solution . Woman has special guilt button. If you know how to push them she is gonna let you go by herself. 

So, write a good long three romantic emails something like this,
"Hey gorgeous!!
I think this Christmas is going to be aw some because you are with me , Santa has already given my best gift in life. "It's you"
we people are really ungrateful. we don't realize the value of person, until we lost them. I didn't realized what you are for me until i just almost lost you last summer. But when i lost you , i lost all. You are all for me. You are my cherry on the ice cream babe. 
Some time i feel it would be great if i can have all important people in my life together. Just right now Gang called me. Tom was pretty excited & invited me for Game. It's sort of reunion as he will leave for Japan for two years. He literally bagged me to come. But i said i can't shuffle my date with Melissa as she is the priority. He was so disappointed & so I. May be we will not meet for next two years. That's why the thought came, " it would be great if we could have it all." 
Love you babe, Just little bit upset & sad about Tom leaving.

She replies" Ditto!! You must go for game!! I can't let your friends think i am such clingy. S.U.L. 

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